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Restaurants / Food, Food Trucks
Manhattan New York, New York United States
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About Us

I imagine you know the duality of pleasure and guilt -- just when something feels so right that it also feels so wrong. The lack of this kill switch is probably what allowed me to indulge in an extra year at Columbia while the perfect shitstorm of the decade was brewing downtown. I figured what could be better than this? I'll deal and so I did.

Korilla (a portmanteau of Korean and Grill) started out with a ridiculous question I posed to myself: who doesn't love Korean BBQ? The answers I came up with were a) vegans and vegetarians, b) people who don’t know what Korean BBQ is and c) people who won't spend $40 at a Korean restaurant. I realized that the answers were in the question and so began the quest to find my cohorts!

First came along Chef James, a culinary casanova. His whoring ways have amassed him massive knowledge in the food game. So yea, your favorite starred restaurants...he knows what they working with. He was the man who came up with the idea of going mobile in spite of the marshmallow-like real estate market in 2008. He also vehemently opposed my fast-casual Korean sushi (김밥) concept. From the get, James was cool and +1 for being from the ‘hood in Bayside, Queens. So the cohesion began.

I spent more time refining the fast-casual food business model, learning about the food industry, and even going to a free 4-month cooking school. Around this time, I was on my way to chill at a friend’s place when I overheard the doorman mention these young “baller-ass” twin designers that live in the penthouse. I thought then and there, I needed pay them an unannounced impulse visit.

My research located their business, BOX Creative, right in Korean Town on Fifth Avenue. Perfect! With just a pocketful of dreams, I began pitching my ideas to Andy and Joe Weitzel, twin co-founders of BOX Creative. It turns out I hit it big. Their professional studio or sorts turned out to be an all-encompassing digital agency and design firm capable of delivering on even the grandest of ideas.

Thus a new partnership was born. LET Group, which stands for Let's Eat Together was formed to formalize our relationship and hold Korilla's intellectual properties, as well as any other ambitious little ventures pop into our heads.

It's been two years in the making and finally here we go!

See you on the streets!
Edward "3D" Song

Korilla BBQ Founder

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