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Service Providers, Real Estate Property Management, Attorneys / Lawyers, Real Estate Attorney
37 Hughes Road Madison, Alabama 35758 United States
P: 256-830-0393   Website:  Click Here

About Us

Established in 1984, "The Cox Family Realtors" is a trusted, family-owned real estate team dedicated to simplifying your property journey. With our Keep it Simple approach, we prioritize your needs and goals to deliver exceptional service. Additionally, we proudly offer bilingual services for Spanish-speaking clients. Whether you're buying or selling, call, text, or email "THE COX FAMILY REALTORS" for personalized assistance and expert guidance Phone: 256-830-0393 Website: https://sherrycox.homefinderunlimited.com/ #Realtor #Realestateagency #Residentialrealestateagent #Bestrealestateagent #Luxuryrealtor Keywords: Realtor Real estate agency Residential real estateagent Best real estate agent Luxury realtor

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