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Attorneys / Lawyers, Medical Malpractice Attorney
841 Bishop Street, Suite 501 Honolulu, Hawaii 96813 USA
P: 808-524-1433   Website:  Click Here

About Us

Cronin, Fried, Sekiya, Kekina & Fairbanks is perhaps the most respected plaintiffs law firm in Hawaii. We handle major injury cases, choosing to devote our resources to those victims for whom we can make the greatest difference through our resources, hard work, reputation and strenuous advocacy. Our attorneys understand the value of a job well-done and have achieved some of the largest settlements in Hawaii. As a staple of the Honolulu legal community since 1973, we know the intricacies of medical malpractice and personal injury cases and what it takes to win. If you have suffered a serious injury due to another’s negligence, you want to hire a firm whose longevity and reputation speak for itself. At Cronin, Fried, Sekiya, Kekina & Fairbanks, we put our wealth of knowledge and experience to work for you.

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