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9312 E Raintree Dr Scottsdale, Arizona 85260 United States
P: 480-362-3622   Website:  Click Here

About Us

Discover the multifaceted healing power of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy, Arizona's leading HBOT and Health Peak Performance Center.Achieve your true health optimization from the inside out at the cellular level with Cerulean's proven and science-based Lifestyle Cellular Health Therapeutic protocols and programs. Our multi-modalities various programs are centered around HBOT. HBOT promotes hyper-oxygenation, allowing your body to intake oxygen levels greater than breathing air at normal atmospheric pressure, stimulating a wide variety of regenerative responses in the body. HBOT has been recognized by AMA and FDA as a trusted integrative treatment, with several FDA approved conditions and many off-label conditions supported by clinical studies.

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