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Service Providers, Continuing Education Provider
1620 South Bundy Drive Los Angeles, California 90025 United States
P: 4242932197   Website:  Click Here

About Us

At Barefoot Atelier, we provide a vibrant preschool program that blends the Reggio Emilia philosophy with enriching Jewish traditions. Our dynamic days are filled with fun, adventure, and holistic development tailored to nurture each child’s unique potential. We emphasize child-led exploration and discovery, encouraging curiosity and creativity at every turn. Teachers serve as facilitators, supporting and guiding children as they pursue their interests and inquiries in a collaborative, nurturing environment. Rooted in respect and connection, our program fosters a love of learning and helps children build a strong foundation for personal growth, confidence, and a lifelong sense of wonder.

Business Hours: Mon - Thu: 8AM- 5PM ; Fri: 8AM–4PM ; Sat & Sun: Closed

Payment Methods: Check, Venmo

Year Establish: 2009

Contact Name: Karen Avital

Contact Info:

Barefoot Atelier Preschool

Address: 1620 S Bundy Dr, Los Angeles, CA 90025

Phone: +1 (424) 293-2197

Mail: office@barefootatelier.com

Website: https://barefootatelier.com/

Find Online:

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BarefootAtelierPreschool

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/barefootatelier/


Jewish Preschool, Reggio Emilia Preschool, Home School Preschool Center, West LA preschool

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